Lady Venus

Lady Master Venus Goddess of Love

Sanat Kumara’s twin flame is Lady Master Venus. During his long exile on planet Earth, she remained on their home planet to keep the flame there. Some years after Sanat Kumara’s return in 1956, Lady Venus herself came to earth to assist her evolutions. In a dictation delivered on May 25, 1975, she announced that as Sanat Kumara had kept the flame for earth, now she had come to “tarry for a time on Terra” to “dedicate anew the fires of the Mother.”


Part 10: Dictation of the Ascended Lady  Master Venus through the messenger Kim Michaels.

Thanks to our fellow students in South Korea, who permitted us to upload the video's of the Ascended Master Conference, May 2017 in Seoul, South Korea.

A more open debate about the roles of men and women

TOPICS: Fanaticism and the relationship between men and women - Changing the roles of men and women - A new debate about equality - Talking about sex - Highest potential for love relationships - Youth initiative without rebellion - The cost of the traditional approach - How demons use relationships to steal energy - The purpose of a nation - The need for sexual satisfaction - 

Ascended Master Venus, May 5th, 2017


The text of this dictation can be found here: